Does stiffness in your neck bother you throughout the day? Do you experience pain in your neck and back when you move around? Excruciating pain in the back or neck with sudden movements can turn your pain-free life upside down. Its’s hard to ignore as well since the condition has a tendency to worsen. Professional help can allow you to reduce your pain, so that you can live a normal healthy life.
The joints that make up the neck can commonly get irritated which at times an also affects the nerves or muscles in the spine. Without realizing it we sometimes slouch causing poor posture. As this continues over a period of time joints become stiff and stop moving like they should. Moving about, performing chores, sitting and standing are normal activities that we should be able to perform easily but become more difficult as you experience pain. When these basic tasks begin to cause discomfort it may be time to consult a Chiropractor Sydney CBD to find the exact cause of your problem.
Neck stiffness often leads to increased contraction of the muscles in the neck. Contraction causes some muscles to become tight will others become underactive and weak. A chiropractor Sydney CBD can advise you of the underlying muscles which are being affected and treat them effectively as well as advising you on specific exercises and rehabilitation to reduce the tension in them while you’re at home.
Injury or trauma to the neck or back can also lead to unbearable pain. A healthcare professional is important in this case to assess if there is any underlying damage to the spine such as a fracture or nerve damage to consult you on the right type of care and treatment going forward.
A chiropractor can assess spinal alignment which can prevent the build up of pressure in your body causing you pain over time. Good posture due to correct alignment ensures that the spine is in good shape and the surrounding muscles and tissues stay in a stress-free and optimal position. A Chiropractor Sydney CBD can help to rehabilitate your spine and allow you to get back the posture you have lost over time due to your poor habits from sitting incorrectly.
Proper spinal management will keep your pain away and hold your body in the correct posture so you can live a pain free life. No more neck pain!
Chiropractors effectively find the underlying cause of your problem whether that be muscle, joint or nerve to help your body start healing naturally. While treating the symptoms of your pain is important it only provides you with temporary relief. Your treatment through chiropractic adjustments, exercises, rehabilitation and soft tissue work by a Chiropractor Sydney CBD is your first step to helping you be pain free and stay that way!
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